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Go Around Flaps



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▪︎The information provided may be incorrect or misinterpreted and should not be relied upon for decision-making. 

▪︎Always refer to official documents and consult with a qualified aviation professional before making any decisions based on the information provided in this blog post.

▪︎The information provided in this blog post is based on personal study and review.

1.  Non-Engagement of the Go-Around Modes in CLEAN Flaps Configuration

Can we say "Go around Flaps" whenever we want to go around and push the thrust lever TOGA?

Airbus released safety magazine "Non-Engagement of the Go-Around Modes in CLEAN Flaps Configuration" recently 


The document states that thrust should not be set to go around when the flaps lever is at 0, in case we need a go around. 




In a normal situation, the flaps lever is at least in position 1. 

If we go around, what happens at the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA)?


The aircraft always has a vertical mode and a lateral mode. The aircraft will most likely transition its vertical mode to SRS (Selected Vertical Speed),


but the situation with the lateral mode is different. It depends on the aircraft.

Some aircraft will maintain the GA TRK (Go - Around Track) mode, while others will arm the NAV (Navigation) mode and automatically engage it as soon as the aircraft reaches the capture zone of the flight plan.

GA TRK mode

so we need to make sure if it is the GA TRK mode or NAV mode. 

(some aircraft doesnt change to NAV mode automatically from GA TRK mode.) 




If the aircraft is at or above the FCU (Flight Control Unit) altitude and things are not stabilized, 

or in the case where a go around is required, there is a discontinued approach technique outlined in the FCOM and FCTM.


This technique allows for a go-around without pushing the thrust levers all the way up to TOGA (Takeoff/Go-Around) detent.

Instead, simply press the APPR (Approach) push button or the LOC (Localizer) push button to cancel the approach and select the proper lateral and vertical mode as required.


However, if the aircraft is below the FCU altitude, the flight crew must apply the GO AROUND procedure.

(flaps lever at least in position 1) 




This technique will be useful in situations such as failing to capture the glideslope or being too high on the profile, with the aircraft at or above the FCU altitude, particularly when the flaps are in the 0 position.


The manual specifies that when the aircraft is below the FCU altitude, flight crews have two options: they can either apply the Discontinued Approach technique or initiate the GO AROUND procedure. 

In this context, I THINK that the GO AROUND procedure involves the flight crew setting a higher altitude for the go-around.


f the target altitude for a go- around is lower than the current FCU altitude, the Discontinued Approach procedure appears to be the only viable choice. This involves disengaging and disarming any approach mode, followed by a callout of "cancel approach." In this scenario, there is no practical reason to perform the go-around procedure, which would involve setting the thrust lever to TOGA (Takeoff/Go-Around), actually crew should not set thrust lever to TOGA during descend. 


When the aircraft is in the configuration with the gear down and flaps set to 2, it's important to avoid an unconditional reactive callout for 'GO AROUND FLAPS.' This is because such a callout may induce unwanted acceleration, as changing the configuration from this state to the one before retracting gears, it may have undesired effects.

Additionally, it's crucial to note the landing gear retraction speed, which is set at 220 knots. This can be easy to forget to check, especially during the initial stages of the approach, where the speed might be around 200 knots.


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