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Non-precision approach Tracking



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▪︎The information provided may be incorrect or misinterpreted and should not be relied upon for decision-making. 

▪︎Always refer to official documents and consult with a qualified aviation professional before making any decisions based on the information provided in this blog post.

▪︎The information provided in this blog post is based on personal study and review.





Non-precision approach using FPA, recommended approach speed Technique is early stabilized approach.


This technique refers to an approach where the aircraft reaches the FDP in the landing configuration at VAPP. This technique is recommended for non-precision approaches (LOC FPA, NAV FPA and TRK FPA). 

To get a valuable deceleration pseudo waypoint and to ensure a timely deceleration, 

the pilot should enter VAPP as a speed constraint at the FDP.

and call out for altitudes VS miles for non-precision approach.



Tracking  (Use of Bird)


When using the "bird", the flight crew should first change attitude, 

and then check the result with reference to the "bird".


Check the aircraft position compared to Localizer Sale and Index.

Move the Track(Green) to catch Localizer Index(Diamond Magenta).

Once you are on the Localizer, align Track(Green diamond) to [ILS Course pointer(Magenta Cross) = ILS Track]


if the track(Green diamond) is to the left compared to ILS course pointer(Magenta), you are going to catch the localizer which is to the left. 



Yellow(Heading Reference Line) is fixed.

Move the aircraft to Change Heading(Yellow), to Move the Track (Green - Actual Track Symbol) 


Yellow(heading) does not really matter wherever it is, because of the wind component. 

What really matter is the track. 


Move the green compared to LOC pointer based on magenta cross(as a center reference)

When you are on the localizer by moving Track , you are on ILS track. 



TRK-FPA with FD on and off (RA 1+2 fault)




if you are on the LOC pointer, then finally align your track to LOC final course. 


when these 3 are on alignment (Green track, Localizer Index, Magenta Cross) ,

then you are on the localizer, on final approach course track!


A standard 3 ° approach path is indicated, when the top of the bird's tail is immediately below the horizon.



Blue track Index


And remember selected track(Blue) is also on the PDF attitude indicator, and you can use it as a reference. 

"Both FD's OFF, Set RWY Track!" 


Green bird and the selected blue track on the attitude indicator, along with the green track on the heading reference at the bottom, always align with each other.


Begin by checking the aircraft's position in relation to the Localizer Scale and Index.
Adjust your track, indicated by the green symbol, to intercept the Localizer Index represented by a diamond in magenta.

Once you are properly aligned with the Localizer, ensure that your track (green diamond) coincides with the ILS Course Pointer (magenta cross) to establish alignment with the ILS Track.

If the green track symbol is to the left in comparison to the ILS Course Pointer (magenta cross), you are intercepting the localizer from the left side.

The Yellow Heading Reference Line remains fixed in its position.

To modify your heading, align your aircraft with the Yellow Heading Reference Line. This adjustment will also change your track, represented by the green actual track symbol.

Keep in mind that the position of the Yellow Heading Line is not critical, primarily due to wind effects. What truly matters is your track. When the green track aligns with the magenta ILS Course Pointer and you are on the localizer, you are on the ILS track.

Pay special attention to the alignment of the Green track, Localizer Index, and Magenta Cross. Additionally, move the green track symbol in relation to the LOC (Localizer) pointer, using the magenta cross as a center reference.

If you find yourself on the LOC pointer, adjust your track to match the LOC final course indicated by the magenta cross.



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