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Upset Recovery




▪︎This content is Not an official document and does not represent the views of Airbus or any other aviation authority.

▪︎The information provided may be incorrect or misinterpreted and should not be relied upon for decision-making. 

▪︎Always refer to official documents and consult with a qualified aviation professional before making any decisions based on the information provided in this blog post.

▪︎The information provided in this blog post is based on personal study and review.




Upset recovery training is now a required component of simulator training for pilots.

Although numerous manuals and resources are available for in-depth study, let’s explore what the Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) specifically says about upset recovery.


icao docs about upset prevention.





The Nose high/Nose low techniques represent a logical progression for recovering the aircraft. They are not necessarily procedural. The sequence of actions is for guidance only and represents a series of options for the pilot to consider and to use depending on the situation. The flight crew may apply these actions or part of these actions, mainly if the recovery is effective.

Depending on the situation, the PF should apply the required actions 

(See figures "Nose High" and "Nose Low").

During the maneuver, the PM must monitor the airspeed and the attitude throughout the recovery. The PM must also announce the flight path divergence if the recovery maneuver is not efficient.



According to the guidance provided in the Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) for a nose-high situation, the initial step after disengaging the autopilot is to apply a nose-down pitch command. This should be done prior to making any corrections to the bank angle. Following this, thrust should be increased, and then the bank angle can be adjusted.

(not procedural)


This sequence is advised because it helps manage the g-load more effectively. In aviation, g-load refers to the load factor or the ratio of the lift force generated by the wings to the weight of the aircraft. By pushing forward on the controls to lower the nose and decrease the angle of attack, the pilot reduces the lift temporarily, which generally results in lower g-loads compared to the higher g-loads induced by pulling up sharply, as seen in nose-low recoveries. 






In a nose-low situation after disconnecting the autopilot, the first action should be to address any potential stall conditions. This is crucial because, even in a nose-low attitude, the aircraft may still be in a stall, necessitating immediate recovery actions.


Once stall recovery is initiated, the next step is to level the wings. This helps stabilize the aircraft and prepares for more effective control of airspeed and attitude. The flight crew should then adjust the thrust or deploy speedbrakes to manage the airspeed effectively. It is essential to recover to level flight at a sufficient airspeed while avoiding the risks of stalling from too low a speed or incurring excessive g-load from too high a speed.



Leveling the wings first makes sense primarily because of the potential for high g-loads that can occur if the aircraft is pulled up with a bank. This method minimizes stress on the aircraft’s structure and reduces the risk of exceeding g-load limits



In my personnel experience in an upset recovery practice in a simulator,

 the instructor directed us to first adjust the bank angle rather than pitching down the nose during a high pitch scenario. This resulted in rapid decreases in airspeed when the pitch was high and equally swift increases when the pitch was low, potentially constituting negative training by reinforcing incorrect procedures or responses.


we had to monitor the g-load carefully, as displayed at the bottom of the system display. When g-load exceeded specific thresholds, it signaled excessive force. Particularly when recovering from a nose-low situation, pulling up too abruptly pushed the g-load beyond safe operational limits.