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ALTN LAW, When L/G down : Direct law



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▪︎The information provided may be incorrect or misinterpreted and should not be relied upon for decision-making. 

▪︎Always refer to official documents and consult with a qualified aviation professional before making any decisions based on the information provided in this blog post.

▪︎The information provided in this blog post is based on personal study and review.



When dealing with an alternate law ECAM, it's important to prepare for the possibility of a Direct law ECAM as well. In the alternate law ECAM, it states that if no autopilot is engaged, the aircraft will transition to Direct law. Since it's highly likely that the aircraft will land without the autopilot in alternate law, it will eventually transition to Direct law.


After lowering the landing gear, the Direct law ECAM will appear on final approach. There may not be enough time to review all the ECAM messages regarding Direct law during the short final phase after lowering the gear.


Alternate law ECAM

While it may not always be the case, on most aircraft, when the ECAM procedures has alternate law, 

it includes information about the transition to direct law in the ECAM approach procedure

However, on certain types of aircraft, there may be ECAM messages that do not result in a transition to direct law, 

but you can still check the ECAM for relevant information. (slat flap 0, 2 FAC etc. on some aircraft) 




Although the specifics may vary depending on the actual failure that triggers alternate law, 

I think it would be better to review the Direct law ECAM in the FCOM before commencing the approach when dealing with a failure that results in alternate law.

This approach allows for better preparation, rather than relying on reading the ECAM messages during the final approach after lowering the landing gear.

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