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A320 NEO - Dual cooling



▪︎This content is Not an official document and does not represent the views of Airbus or any other aviation authority.

▪︎The information provided may be incorrect or misinterpreted and should not be relied upon for decision-making. 

▪︎Always refer to official documents and consult with a qualified aviation professional before making any decisions based on the information provided in this blog post.

▪︎The information provided in this blog post is based on personal study and review.


Airbus A320 NEO stands for "New Engine Option" and is the newer version of the A320 family of aircraft, with more efficient engines and other aerodynamic improvements.

On the other hand, CEO stands for "Current Engine Option" and refers to the previous generation of A320 family aircraft that were in production before the NEO version was introduced.


The Airbus A320 NEO aircraft boasts a new feature called dual cooling (if equipped) , which helps prevent bowed rotors.

This feature is accompanied by an extra switch on the overhead panel. When engine internal components cool at different rates, the resulting unequal thermal expansion can cause deflection or bowing of the rotor shaft.

With dual cooling, this issue is addressed, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the aircraft



Although the dual cooling feature in the Airbus A320 NEO provides significant benefits, there are additional ECAM procedures that must be followed.


 If an "ENG Bowed Rotor Protection Fault" message appears, maintenance action is required


For NEO aircraft, if an engine has an "ENG START FAULT - STARTER SHAFT SHEAR" ecam.

attempting a new engine start should be avoided, and maintenance action is required.



In addition, for those aircraft with some NEO engines, 

If the engine needs to be started using manual start valve operation supplementary procedure,

at least 9 hours of ground time are required after shutting down the engine (the exact time may vary). 

How are we supposed to wait 9 hours after the last engine shutdown if we need the manual override of the start valve..  So there is some MEL restictions on those aircrafts which has this limitation. 

9 hours?



Aslo reminding that engine limitation could vary.

the minimum oil temperature should be 52 degrees Celsius,(which requires to monitor before takeoff)

and the minimum oil quantity should be 14 quarts.



▪︎This content is Not an official document and does not represent the views of Airbus or any other aviation authority.

▪︎The information provided may be incorrect or misinterpreted and should not be relied upon for decision-making. 

▪︎Always refer to official documents and consult with a qualified aviation professional before making any decisions based on the information provided in this blog post.

▪︎The information provided in this blog post is based on personal study and review.