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Finding True Airspeed using E6B


1. Small Window: Find the small window on your E6B flight computer. This window usually has several scales and markings.

2. Level for True Airspeed and Density Altitude: In the small window, there will be a circular disk that can be rotated. You need to ensure that the "True Airspeed" and "Density Altitude" windows on the circular disk are level. To do this, you can rotate the disk until the two windows are aligned with your altitude and temperature.

3. Altitude: Look for the altitude for your flight. This should be displayed on one of the scales on the circular disk.

4. Temperature: Find the air temperature for your flight. This should be displayed on one of the scales on the circular disk as well.

5. Indicated Airspeed: Without moving any of the dials or scales, locate your indicated airspeed on the scale labeled "CAS" (Calibrated Airspeed). The CAS is essentially equivalent to your indicated airspeed and can be found on the big scale on the E6B.

6. True Airspeed: Once you've located your indicated airspeed on the CAS scale, read the corresponding true airspeed from the "True Airspeed" scale. This is your true airspeed for the given altitude and temperature.

True Airspeed when the altimeter shows 10000ft. and the temp is -10 degree celcius.


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